How to optimise your energy usage?

Optimising the way energy is used can have a major impact on reducing energy bills and helping the environment. We can advise you on how you can optimise your appliances to minimise energy wastage. Control, monitor and manage your applications so you can better understand what it is you’re wasting energy on or how better to optimise it.

Become energy optimised and feel the benefits in your wallet and in the world. Contact us today!

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Why should you PAT test equipment?

Portable appliance testing (PAT)  is the name of a process in the United Kingdom by which electrical appliances are routinely checked for safety. The formal term for the process is “in-service inspection & testing of electrical equipment”.

It is essential to make sure all devices aren’t unsafe. Health and safety regulations require that electrical appliances are safe and well maintained to prevent any harm coming to workers. Many equipment manufacturers recommend testing at regular intervals to ensure continual safety in the work environment; the interval between tests depending on both the type of appliance and the environment in which it is to be used.

At Fox Contractors we can handle your PAT testings. Contact us today!

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Emergency Lighting and why you should have it

Emergency lighting is lighting for an emergency situation when the main power supply is cut and any normal illumination fails. In the event of an emergency having the proper lighting is incredibly important, it can quite literally be the difference between life and death for you or your employers.

Such examples of emergency lighting are green exit signs and nightlights that illuminate dark areas and highlight escape routes.

Need emergency lighting? Contact us today!

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